A new week has arrived and the next busy weekend is only 5 days away!! This is going to be a rather busy week for us, since on Sunday the 26th of October it’s a Bank Holiday here in Thessaloniki.
On the 26th of October 1922 Thessaloniki was liberated by the
Greek Army and officially joined the Hellenic Republic. This year marks the 102
second anniversary. On the 26th October also Saint Demetrius name day is also
being celebrated. While this bank holiday is local, the 28th of October is a
bank holiday celebrated all over the nation as "Ohi Day"
took place. On that day all over Greece young people from the local Schools
march in every local community in a form of a parade.
This holiday also marks the end
of October and the beginning of November with the Thessaloniki Internaional
Film Festival to be around the corner. We actually look forward fot this event
every year....You can visit the official site of the the 55th International Film Festival and look for the screening schedules, tickets
price and other events to find the most
suitable date for you to visit the Festival. It's a rather busy period for
Thessaloniki so you better make reservations on time.
Now as for us, the following
weekend it will find us visiting Istanbul. We will start our excursion from
Thessaloniki on the morning of the 25th of October to visit our neighbor
Turkey. We will stay for 4 nights in Ibis Hotel Istanbul choosing this hotel of
its great location (not very central but not isolated either) and their excellent
In our years of operation Istanbul is a destination that has defined
our company. We will once more explore the beauty of the city which stands
between European and Asian continent, a colorful kanvas decorated by the
traditions of the nations living in the city.
(for more detailed schedule of
the excursion and prices please feel free to contact with us)
Have a nice Week!!!
with us!!!
Tsakiris Travel:
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